Friday, March 13, 2009

Im lazy and too busy to put a blogskin. so if there's any kind soul that would help me pls tell me (: and im dead tired right now! had friendly with the tcher's team and we won 4-0 but i didnt score. got hit hard in the stomach followed by some trips here and there. played the full first half though im injured before the match. wasn't at my best and lastly, im not selected into the 20 for a div ): not really too sad as its kinda expected already.only like 3 or 4 j1s selected i think. Grats daniel for being selected. hope i will be strong and stay in soccer.
have to wake up early again tmr as i got an interview tmr in sch for the econs trip to usa. not really confident bout the interview though. i think i gonna pool, cut my ugly hair and repair my phone tmr. long wanted to do all these things but totally had no time. the holidays are here but i guess it would be spent in sch or mugging. think will at least slack and go out 1 or 2 days if there's anyone who jio me out (:
gonna sleep soon bout 1130? it had been ages since i slept before 12. jc is really tiring!


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