Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I HATE EARLY LESSONS! i hate reaching sch at 730 especially when my first lesson is chinese. i think my chinese deproved alot and i starting to struggle with chinese. im like one of the weakest in my class lar. im supposed to hand in my chinese lian xi by today but i didnt know how to do. so im looking forward for wu lao shi to complain to my ct (:

today, pw tcher pon lesson and didnt show up so we slacked in the class for an hr. after that watched some documentry for gp and it was end of lessons! ended at 230 (which is super early), but had to go lt4 for some drum performance. after that went home alone as i have nowhere to head to (:

its raining now and i cant play any sports so i guess i have to stone at home and do my chinese. and i think nyjc soccer is playing against srjc now. gonna find out the score tmr but i can predict that nyjc sure lose again de. that old ugly stupid brainless tcher-in-charge sacked our best coach that day. now im thinking of leaving soccer and just join judo with dean and yuyin (:

off to stone~


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