Saturday, March 7, 2009

3 hrs of soccer resulted in my whole body aching. hope it will recover fast (: reached home at 11plus after CH bbq and woke up at 6 for today's sports carnival. In the end, it was cancelled due to a heavy rain. what a waste of time!

I didnt know where my class went and ended up sticking with Dean's class. was quite wierd as i only know yy and dean. played pool and i deproved alot. long time since i last played at parkway le ): yoshinoya-ed with joy at tm and home sweet home to do my huge pile of hw. wasted most of the time chatting and stoning in front of the lappy, and finally finished my pi. Gonna do my mrp and tutorials tmr and hope i could concentrate (:

its almost 3am now and im still watching soccer. pimples will grow soon )):


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