Monday, March 16, 2009

I doubt im having HOLIDAYS! woke up late at 720 and ended up late for the project anagement workshop. had to go sch by bus as my father is enjoying life in genting -.-

the workshop was boring to the max, and was yawning throughout. my group was all marists as usual, and only me and st are doing work. kit and kett were slacking, like always? oh and my father's laptop battery sucks. in 5 mins, the batt went from 60% to 5%. gonna bring mine tmr. hope im not ending up doing everything with st again (:

AND i just realised something. jc ppls are also not that guai. today tuition, the one in front of me pierce left ear and the one beside me pierce only right ear. i think im considered v v v guai le, especially with my short hair now (:


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