Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today was a real bad day. totally flunk my maths test, failed to understand most part of chem lecture and totally cant concentrate in econs tutorial. luckily, maths class test tmr is postponed to next monday. if not it would be worst.

went back MARIS STELLA with some 4g ppl to collect olvl cert and testimonial and saw quite alot of teachers. i just don't like my olevel cert as there isnt any A2s on it ): slacked in mshs and helped kow yew kiat with some stuffs and off to dinner. i really missed my sec sch life, had so much fun back then. like what lsp told me today, maris stella is much better and relaxing than jc's. i totally agree with her lar! i really missed the time when i play soccer everyday in sec2, chionging pool and lan in sec3, going singpost to eat every other day in sec4. card games were once an addiction, especially big2 and bridge. anway im in jc now, so i just have to focus on my work and not think too much bah. hope there's time in the future to meet up with sec frends often bah. someone pls organise soccer and outings when everyone's free (:

anyway this part of my testimonial that makes me laugh, coz i doubt it's even true at all.

"Blven is a conscientious student who is not afraid of putting in the extra effort to achieve good results. he has the ability and maturity to approach any problem analytically and logically. his understandin and grasp of concepts have improved remarkably during his four years in the school. he tirelessly strives to do his best. his leadership skills in group dynamics draw alot of students to work with him. he does not believe in giving up and never teries of asking questions whenever he is in doubt.

Blven takes great pride in his work and always pushes himself to complete his work on time. the decisions he makes show his maturity and instead of worrying over failed attempts, he never gives up trying. he has the ability and a way with words to express his views clearly, both verbally and in writing.

Blven is very mindful about how how to speak and behave in school and in public. he does not fail to have a smile for everyone. his cheerful disposition has earned him many friends among the pupils and teachers alike. he dedicates a great deal of his time to his schoolwork. blven is not one to be found lacking in knowledge or compassion."

too good to be true eh? how i wish i was so good. (:


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