Saturday, April 11, 2009

its been a hectic week, tests, hws, tutorials and chionging of pi. thanks to good fri, i could have a little rest. went soccer with 4g ytd, went dhoby to eat pastamania and movie-ed at vivo. i just miss the times when we are together, having so much fun with them. i hardly had so much fun in jc as its super busy nowadays and i still do not have good frends in jc except for marists. watched fast and furious 4 , dinner and home sweet home.

studied with dean today for a while in sch and phoned my mum to fetch me after that. she said okay then after i got in the car started kpkb lar. wth lar its like not willing to fetch me say so lar in the first place, no nid kp so much. i just cant stand her at times, so unreasonable and always thinks she's right and dun allow me to argue back. fk sia.

and i got bio and econs test again on this week. need mug again tmr ):


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