Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Im tired. jc life is real tiring. sleeping an average of 6hrs a day is really not enough for me and i'm struggling to stay awake during lessons. now, even coffee everyday has no effect on me ):

anyway, its gonna be real busy from now on. i got maths test tmr, chem test next week, bio test the following week. dateline for draft of pi is next thurs and i have not even thought of the topic to write. was slacking the whole of pw lesson today. we had to write gp essay today and i simply have no idea how to write. wrote the introduction only and stoned till end of lesson.

And i simply dread the feeling of going home alone and being alone in an empty house. i don't know why but i just hate being alone, and feeling so lonely. i will be v down when im all alone. i just need someone to accompany me and be there for me ):


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