Monday, April 6, 2009

i have to wake up almost everyday this week at 630! ny meeting today and tmr, extra econs lesson on wed and lesson on fri all starts at 730. gonna die due to lack of sleep lar. 7am is like the time where some of my frends sleep and they wake up at the time i end sch. so envious lar, if only i chose poly from the start. after i got my results i only had jc in my mind, ruling out poly totally. since i've made my decision, i will not regret and will perservere the 2 or 3 years in jc (:

michelle tan took 2 of my colour earsticks today and talked to me nicely bout some stuffs. i think i shall be guai from now on and put transparent earsticks in sch. she said that she catch my earstick everyday coz she still cares for me -.-

anyway, maths test was okay, chem test was kinda doable for me despite the lack of time. pw was slack as usual as i had not even start on my pi yet. deadline for draft on thurday and i gonna try start later in the night. chinese was tc (talking cock) session and went str8 home after that. asked my dad to fetch me coz im too tired to take bus.

gonna get an hr sleep before my dinner. bye~


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